Unique way of making money

This is a very different kind of earning money site where you are given shares for different activities you do.The site earns money by selling banner impressions, website ads and e-mail ad and each day some commission from the money earned from the site will be distributed among all members having shares.So, more number of shares you have, more profits for you. Suppose the site members are having total 1000 shares and site has earned around $5 a day then the commission members are getting on each share is $0.005 and if you are having 200 shares, you will get $1 as commission on that day. Commission per share value is different every day ! Unless you withdraw, these shares will be with you and commission on those shares will be added daily.You will get 1 share free on joining and then on you can earn shares by different activities like clicking on advertisement links, by referring other people ( 1 share per referral + 1 Share per Dollar they spend on advertising on this site), for joining Free and paid offers or with purchase advertising on this site. There are already many members who are very active in this unique site.Minimum payout here is $10 and the Payout options are Paypal, Alertpay and Liberty Reserve. Money you earn will be sent to you on your request, maximum 10 days after requested.
1. Multiple accounts are not allowed
2. Every time you make a payout request, your account will be debited with 3 Shares per 1 Dollar you received. (Example for a $10 Payout they debit your account with 30 Shares)

Be honest and work daily, you can make very good amount here.....